Python Web 部署是 uWSGI 还是 gunicorn 更优?

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Python 的部署是个问题。

  • Python

    Python 是一种面向对象、直译式电脑编程语言,具有近二十年的发展历史,成熟且稳定。它包含了一组完善而且容易理解的标准库,能够轻松完成很多常见的任务。它的语法简捷和清晰,尽量使用无异义的英语单词,与其它大多数程序设计语言使用大括号不一样,它使用缩进来定义语句块。

    545 引用 • 672 回帖
  • uWSGI
    7 引用 • 62 回帖
  • Gunicorn
    3 引用 • 21 回帖



我们正在构建一个小众社区,大家在这里相互信任,以平等 • 自由 • 奔放的价值观进行分享交流。最终,希望大家能够找到与自己志同道合的伙伴,共同成长。

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  • 88250

    不知道....不会 [Python]

  • zonghua
    vi ~/.pip/pip.conf
    index-url =
    # 或者  豆瓣
  • zonghua
    # 安装 lxml ,依赖啊依赖
    $sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python2.7-dev
    $sudo pip install lxml
  • onlyice

    Gunicorn 看起来很简单直观,uWSGI 还没研究过。。

    不过就算用 Gunicorn,也要有个 nginx 搭配。

  • zonghua

    @onlyice Gunicorn 实际上启动的是 python 自己的 Http 服务?而 WSGI 是另外的基于 socket 的协议

  • zonghua

    ./ runserver
    Server Software: nginx/1.8.1
    Server Hostname: localhost
    Server Port: 80

    Document Path:          /
    Document Length:        1767 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      100
    Time taken for tests:   28.410 seconds
    Complete requests:      10000
    Failed requests:        206
       (Connect: 0, Receive: 0, Length: 206, Exceptions: 0)
    Non-2xx responses:      206
    Total transferred:      18841636 bytes
    HTML transferred:       17341430 bytes
    Requests per second:    351.99 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       284.096 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       2.841 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          647.67 [Kbytes/sec] received
    Connection Times (ms)
    			  min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
    Connect:        0    0   0.8      0      10
    Processing:    19  271 858.4     35   15029
    Waiting:       19  271 858.3     35   15029
    Total:         27  271 858.8     35   15029
    Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
      50%     35
      66%     36
      75%     37
      80%     38
      90%   1033
      95%   1038
      98%   4271
      99%   4276
     100%  15029 (longest request)
  • zonghua

    使用 gunicorn

    Document Path:          /
    Document Length:        1767 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      100
    Time taken for tests:   20.769 seconds
    Complete requests:      10000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      19170000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       17670000 bytes
    Requests per second:    481.49 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       207.690 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       2.077 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          901.38 [Kbytes/sec] received
    Connection Times (ms)
    			  min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
    Connect:        0    0   0.9      0      10
    Processing:     7  207  13.2    208     225
    Waiting:        5  207  13.2    208     225
    Total:         13  207  12.5    208     225
    Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
      50%    208
      66%    210
      75%    212
      80%    213
      90%    216
      95%    218
      98%    221
      99%    222
     100%    225 (longest request)
  • zonghua

    使用 gunicorn -w 2
    Document Path: /
    Document Length: 1767 bytes

    Concurrency Level:      100
    Time taken for tests:   20.704 seconds
    Complete requests:      10000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      19170000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       17670000 bytes
    Requests per second:    483.00 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       207.041 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       2.070 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          904.20 [Kbytes/sec] received
    Connection Times (ms)
    			  min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
    Connect:        0    0   1.0      0      11
    Processing:     8  206  13.1    207     247
    Waiting:        6  206  13.1    207     247
    Total:         14  206  12.4    207     247
    Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
      50%    207
      66%    209
      75%    211
      80%    212
      90%    216
      95%    218
      98%    220
      99%    221
     100%    247 (longest request)
  • zonghua

    使用 gunicorn -w 4

    Document Path:          /
    Document Length:        1767 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      100
    Time taken for tests:   20.554 seconds
    Complete requests:      10000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      19170000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       17670000 bytes
    Requests per second:    486.53 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       205.537 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       2.055 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          910.82 [Kbytes/sec] received
    Connection Times (ms)
    			  min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
    Connect:        0    0   0.9      0      11
    Processing:     8  204  13.7    205     243
    Waiting:        5  204  13.7    205     243
    Total:         13  205  13.0    205     243
    Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
      50%    205
      66%    208
      75%    210
      80%    212
      90%    216
      95%    220
      98%    224
      99%    228
     100%    243 (longest request)
  • zonghua


  • zonghua

    使用 uwsgi --http :8000 --module project.wsgi

    Document Path:          /
    Document Length:        1767 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      100
    Time taken for tests:   22.060 seconds
    Complete requests:      10000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      19170000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       17670000 bytes
    Requests per second:    453.30 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       220.604 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       2.206 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          848.61 [Kbytes/sec] received
    Connection Times (ms)
    			  min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
    Connect:        0    0   0.9      0      11
    Processing:     8  219  13.3    221     241
    Waiting:        5  219  13.4    221     241
    Total:         13  220  12.6    221     241
    Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
      50%    221
      66%    223
      75%    224
      80%    225
      90%    227
      95%    229
      98%    234
      99%    237
     100%    241 (longest request)
  • zonghua

    使用 uwsgi --sock --max_process 2

    Document Path:          /
    Document Length:        1767 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      100
    Time taken for tests:   18.602 seconds
    Complete requests:      10000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      19320000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       17670000 bytes
    Requests per second:    537.59 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       186.015 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       1.860 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          1014.28 [Kbytes/sec] received
    Connection Times (ms)
    			  min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
    Connect:        0    0   1.0      0      11
    Processing:     8  185  11.7    185     201
    Waiting:        5  185  11.7    185     201
    Total:         13  185  11.0    185     202
    Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
      50%    185
      66%    189
      75%    191
      80%    192
      90%    194
      95%    196
      98%    198
      99%    199
     100%    202 (longest request)
  • zonghua

    看来是 uwsgi 最快

  • onlyice

    @zonghua 难以一两句话说清楚,可以参考下我之前写的帖子:


  • zonghua

    @onlyice 网络的话除了 Http 的东西我都看不懂了

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