在 idea 中使用 tomcat 启动之后访问 8080 端口是 404,手动进入 tomcat/bin/startUp.bat,可以正常访问 8080;有人遇到过吗?
solo 开发环境问题
abelkeith •作者
[WARN ]-[2019-05-28 17:40:04]-[org.b3log.latke.Latkes:609]: !!!!Runtime mode is [DEVELOPMENT], please make sure configured it with [PRODUCTION] in latke.properties if deployed on production environment!!!!
[INFO ]-[2019-05-28 17:40:10]-[org.b3log.solo.util.Markdowns:129]: [markdown-http] is not available, uses built-in [flexmark] for markdown processing. Please read FAQ section in user guide (https://hacpai.com/article/1492881378588) for more details.
[INFO ]-[2019-05-28 17:40:10]-[org.b3log.solo.SoloServletListener:99]: Solo is booting [ver=3.6.1, servletContainer=jetty/9.4.12.v20180830, os=Windows 10, isDocker=false, markdownHttpAvailable=false, pid=16872, runtimeDatabase=MYSQL, runtimeMode=DEVELOPMENT, jdbc.username=root, jdbc.URL=jdbc:
[ERROR]-[2019-05-28 17:40:10]-[org.b3log.latke.Latkes:829]: Read skin [Pinghsu]'s configuration failed: null
[ERROR]-[2019-05-28 17:40:10]-[org.b3log.solo.SoloServletListener:315]: Can't load the default skins, please make sure skin [Pinghsu] is under skins directory and structure correctlyProcess finished with exit code -1
- 其他回帖
abelkeith •作者
[WARN ]-[2019-05-28 18:28:10]-[org.b3log.latke.Latkes:609]: !!!!Runtime mode is [DEVELOPMENT], please make sure configured it with [PRODUCTION] in latke.properties if deployed on production environment!!!!
[INFO ]-[2019-05-28 18:28:14]-[org.b3log.solo.util.Markdowns:129]: [markdown-http] is not available, uses built-in [flexmark] for markdown processing. Please read FAQ section in user guide (https://hacpai.com/article/1492881378588) for more details. -
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