巴比尼整体儿童保育中心,位于卡纳达省圣艾伯特,加拿大,由 Studio Anva (Alyssa Anselmo) 设计

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**** (****): A 10,000 sqft holistic childcare center, located in St.Albert, Alberta. This is the second Center that I have designed for Bambini Learning Group out of their three locations. This Childcare center was designed solely by me (a new 27 year old interior designer) where I learned how to build a dream space for children to absolutely thrive in, a space that would be remembered well into their adulthood. The owner approached me with a Reggio Emilia based philosophy, explaining that this space needed to encompass high ceilings, loads of natural lighting, light materials and an emphasis on biophilic design.

【zh-Hans】: **** (****):一家拥有 10,000 平方英尺的整体儿童保育中心,位于阿尔伯塔省的圣阿尔伯特。这是我为巴比尼学习集团设计的三个地点中的第二个中心。这个儿童保育中心完全由我一个 27 岁的新室内设计师设计,我在这里学习如何为孩子们建造一个梦幻的空间,一个会在他们成年后仍然被记得的空间。业主向我提出了一个基于雷吉奥·艾米利亚(Reggio Emilia)哲学的要求,解释说这个空间需要拥有高挑的天花板,大量自然光线,轻盈的材料和对生物友好设计的强调。

I began with an open concept, separated only by 8 single classrooms that had their own “pony swing doors” built in so that children were always interacting with the full space. The total capacity is for 153 children, separated by all age groups between 12 months - 12 years. The entrance was the first focal point where I wanted to embody a calmness that didn’t naturally exist in daycare. This lobby entailed a circular office (featured with gradient fluted tiles), and two hallways that led directly into the “piazza” which is a sort of indoor courtyard for children to focus on mindfullness/yoga. This is where I incorporated a 12 foot tall Ficus Benjamina tree, a giant 8 foot long cloud, and a sunken conversation pit.

我最初使用一个开放的概念开始,只有 8 个独立的教室,每个教室都有自己的“小摆门”,使孩子们始终与整个空间互动。总容量为 153 名儿童,按年龄分为 12 个月到 12 岁的所有年龄组。入口是我想要体现日托中本不自然的宁静的第一个焦点。这个大厅包括一个圆形办公室(采用渐变波纹瓷砖装饰),和两个直接通向“广场”的走廊,在这个广场上,孩子们可以专注于正念/瑜伽。我在这里导入了一棵高达 12 英尺的无花果树、一片长达 8 英尺的巨大云朵和一个下沉式交谈坑。

This piazza is surrounded by over 1000 birch wooden slats that are separated with white, negative space. There are also 2 skylights in this room, and several rice paper shades of all different sizes, hung at different heights to give a sort of “grand, magical” perspective to the children. The conversation pit is a moment for children to breathe. They can lay under the cloud (which also lights up) and just simply dream. The only expactation for them is to let their minds wander far away into whatever land they choose to make up. They can also sit along the steps with a book, while also glancing at their classmates in the playground just outside of the 6 large glass windows. This cloud was vital in this design as it creates a moment between child and object that can potentially last forever.

这个广场被一千多根白桦木板条环绕,之间用白色的负空间分隔开。房间里还有两个天窗,以及各种不同尺寸的米纸遮阳板,它们被吊在不同高度上,给孩子们一种“宏伟、神奇”的视角。对孩子们来说,这个对话坑是一个呼吸的空间。他们可以躺在云朵下面(云朵也会发光),简单地做梦。他们唯一的期望就是让思维漫游到他们选择创造的那个远方。他们还可以坐在楼梯上看书,同时瞥见操场外的同学们,操场外有 6 个大玻璃窗。这朵云在设计中非常重要,因为它创造了一个孩子和物体之间的瞬间,可能会持续永远。


Stones and woods are living, breathing materials that change according to environmental factors and lighting. These age overtime, changing the way materials interact with the space, thus having an impact on the way children grow within this environment. For this reason I chose to work with concrete as a base, and birch plywood paneling along the wall to create that warmth that is reflected by the natural sunlight filtering the daycare throughout the day. Every little detail was considered in the making of this space, especially the material specifics. The “white” walls are actually a cream color which blends with the birch, and then there is a soft green painted on some of the walls to balance the vegetation throughout the space - again providing that warmth that moves away from a stark white institutional feel.


The concrete floor was something that I specially designed to contribute to the warmth, by adding a beige earthy color to the mix in order to avoid a natural, cold industrial grey floor. I also heavily grinded the material to showcase a lot of aggregate to make it feel almost as if you are on a sandy beach, which surrounds the new neighborhood that this daycare belongs to. The daycare also features an “Art Atelier” specifically for children to get creative in with various craft materials. This room features 3 large arched windows (featured in photos) that children can walk by and see what their friends are making. This room also has over 20 plants hanging at different heights, along with another skylight and a wash basin. Months of work went into studying the ergonomics required to make childrens lives easier. This is where I incorporated mini kitchens inside each classroom that have two sinks installed at different heights - one for the teacher, one for the child.

具体地面是我特别设计的,旨在增添温暖感。为了避免自然而冷的工业灰色地板,我添加了一种米黄色的泥土色调。我还大量抛光了材料,展示了很多骨料,让人感觉仿佛置身于沙滩上,而这个托儿所所在的新社区就被沙滩环绕。这个托儿所还设有一个专门供孩子们用各种手工材料创意的“艺术工作室”。这个房间配有 3 个大拱形窗户(如照片所示),孩子们可以走过去看看朋友们在做什么。这个房间还有 20 多盆悬挂在不同高度的植物,以及另一个天窗和一个洗手盆。数月的努力用于研究使孩子们生活更加便利的人体工程学。这就是我在每个教室内加入迷你厨房的地方,每个厨房里都安装有两个不同高度的水槽-一个供老师使用,一个供孩子使用。

Each classroom also has it’s own bathroom behind an arched door with a circular glass window. This generates a lot of ease for both the teacher and child to not have to leave the classroom. These doors provide a playfullness that is very subtle, yet completely transforms the ligns of the space - immediately the space feels softer. I could write about the details and thought that I put into this building and how it changed my life, I could also write about the months that I spent trying to get my concept across to the contractors and developers involved in an oil province like Alberta, or getting this building actually built within 3 months during peak covid, but that would require an essay. Overall I just want to say that this design was a huge honour for me to call my "very own project", something that 5 years ago I could have never even dreamed of.

每个教室后面还有一个拱形门,带有一个圆形玻璃窗口的独立浴室。这给老师和孩子带来了很多便利,不需要离开教室。这些门提供了一种非常微妙的趣味性,完全改变了空间的线条 - 瞬间空间感觉更柔软。我可以写一些关于我在这座建筑中投入的细节和思考,以及它如何改变了我的生活。我还可以写一些关于在像阿尔伯塔这样的石油省份向承包商和开发商传达我的概念所花费的几个月时间,或者在疫情高峰期内在 3 个月内建成这座建筑的过程,但那需要一篇文章。总的来说,我只想说这个设计对我来说是一项巨大的荣誉,我称之为"我自己的项目",这是 5 年前我甚至都不敢想象的事情。







































我们正在构建一个小众社区,大家在这里相互信任,以平等 • 自由 • 奔放的价值观进行分享交流。最终,希望大家能够找到与自己志同道合的伙伴,共同成长。

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