[js] 在面包屑旁添加全屏按钮,快捷切换全屏


JS 片段:

// 在面包屑旁添加全屏按钮,快捷切换全屏 JS片段
// author by JeffreyChen https://ld246.com/article/1731698559408
// 参考 @wilsons 的方法进行了优化 https://ld246.com/article/1731683038390/comment/1731693866270#comments ,不再需要全屏切换快捷键
(function() {
  function addFullScreenButton(protyleElement) {
    // 检查该 protyle 是否已经有了 fullScreen_simulate 按钮
    if (protyleElement.querySelector('.fullScreen_simulate')) {
      return; // 如果已存在,直接返回

    let mode = protyleElement.querySelector('.protyle-breadcrumb .block__icon[data-type="readonly"]');

    if (mode) {
        '<button class="fullScreen_simulate block__icon fn__flex-center ariaLabel" aria-label="全屏切换"></button>'

      let fullScreenBtn = protyleElement.querySelector(".fullScreen_simulate");
      fullScreenBtn.innerHTML = `<svg><use xlink:href="#iconFullscreen"></use></svg>`;

      fullScreenBtn.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        // 获取 .layout-tab-container > .protyle .protyle-breadcrumb__space 元素
        const breadcrumbSpace = protyleElement.querySelector('.protyle-breadcrumb__space');
        // 如果元素存在,则模拟点击,聚焦当前页签
        if (breadcrumbSpace) {

        toggleFullScreen(protyleElement, fullScreenBtn); // 切换全屏状态

  // 切换全屏状态的函数
  function toggleFullScreen(protyle, fullScreenBtn) {
    if (!window.siyuan.editorIsFullscreen) {
      enterFullScreen(protyle, fullScreenBtn);
    } else {
      exitFullScreen(protyle, fullScreenBtn);

  function enterFullScreen(protyle, fullScreenBtn) {
    window.siyuan.editorIsFullscreen = true;
    updateFullScreenButton(fullScreenBtn, true); // 更新按钮

  function exitFullScreen(protyle, fullScreenBtn) {
    window.siyuan.editorIsFullscreen = false;
    updateFullScreenButton(fullScreenBtn, false); // 更新按钮

  function updateFullScreenButton(fullScreenBtn, isFullScreen) {
    const iconUse = fullScreenBtn.querySelector('use');
    // 切换图标
    iconUse.setAttribute('xlink:href', isFullScreen ? '#iconFullscreenExit' : '#iconFullscreen');
    fullScreenBtn.setAttribute('aria-label', isFullScreen ? '退出全屏' : '全屏');

  // 定期检查 .layout__center 是否存在于 DOM 中
  function checkForLayoutCenter() {
    const targetNode = document.querySelector('.layout__center');
    if (targetNode) {
      // 立即检查一次 protyle-breadcrumb
    } else {
      setTimeout(checkForLayoutCenter, 200);

  function checkProtyleElements(targetNode) {
    const protyles = targetNode.querySelectorAll('.layout-tab-container > .protyle');
    protyles.forEach(protyle => {

  function startObserving(targetNode) {
    const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
      mutations.forEach(mutation => {
        if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
          mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
            // 检查添加的节点是否是 .protyle 元素
            if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.matches('.layout-tab-container > .protyle')) {
        } else if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.target.matches('.layout-tab-container > .protyle')) {
          // 如果已有的 protyle 的类名发生变化,尝试添加全屏按钮

    // 配置并开始观察
    const config = { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true };
    observer.observe(targetNode, config);

// 在面包屑旁添加全屏按钮,快捷切换全屏 JS片段
// author by JeffreyChen https://ld246.com/article/1731698559408

// 注意:需要为全屏切换设置一个快捷键

(function() {
  function addFullScreenButton(protyleElement) {
    // 检查该 protyle 是否已经有了 fullScreen_simulate 按钮
    if (protyleElement.querySelector('.fullScreen_simulate')) {
      return; // 如果已存在,直接返回

    let mode = protyleElement.querySelector('.protyle-breadcrumb .block__icon[data-type="readonly"]');

    if (mode) {
        '<button class="fullScreen_simulate block__icon fn__flex-center ariaLabel" aria-label="全屏切换"></button>'

      let fullScreenBtn = protyleElement.querySelector(".fullScreen_simulate");
      fullScreenBtn.innerHTML = `<svg><use xlink:href="#iconFullscreen"></use></svg>`;

      fullScreenBtn.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        // 获取 .layout-tab-container > .protyle .protyle-breadcrumb__space 元素
        const breadcrumbSpace = protyleElement.querySelector('.protyle-breadcrumb__space');
        // 如果元素存在,则模拟点击,聚焦当前页签
        if (breadcrumbSpace) {

        // 切换图标
        const iconUse = fullScreenBtn.querySelector('use');
        if (iconUse.getAttribute('xlink:href') === '#iconFullscreen') {
          iconUse.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#iconFullscreenExit');
        } else {
          iconUse.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#iconFullscreen');

  function dispatchKeyEvent() {
    let keyInit = parseHotKeyStr(window.top.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.fullscreen.custom);
    keyInit["bubbles"] = true;
    let keydownEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', keyInit);
    let keyUpEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keyup', keyInit);

   * @param {*} hotkeyStr 思源hotkey格式 Refer: https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan/blob/d0f011b1a5b12e5546421f8bd442606bf0b5ad86/app/src/protyle/util/hotKey.ts#L4
   * @returns KeyboardEventInit Refer: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/KeyboardEvent
  function parseHotKeyStr(hotkeyStr) {
    let result = {
      ctrlKey: false,
      altKey: false,
      metaKey: false,
      shiftKey: false,
      key: 'A',
      keyCode: 0
    if (hotkeyStr == "" || hotkeyStr == undefined || hotkeyStr == null) {
      console.error("解析快捷键设置失败", hotkeyStr);
      throw new Error("解析快捷键设置失败");
    let onlyKey = hotkeyStr;
    if (hotkeyStr.indexOf("⌘") != -1) {
      result.ctrlKey = true;
      onlyKey = onlyKey.replace("⌘", "");
    if (hotkeyStr.indexOf("⌥") != -1) {
      result.altKey = true;
      onlyKey = onlyKey.replace("⌥", "");
    if (hotkeyStr.indexOf("⇧") != -1) {
      result.shiftKey = true;
      onlyKey = onlyKey.replace("⇧", "");
    // 未处理 windows btn (MetaKey) 
    result.key = onlyKey;
    // 在https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan/commit/70acd57c4b4701b973a8ca93fadf6c003b24c789#diff-558f9f531a326d2fd53151e3fc250ac4bd545452ba782b0c7c18765a37a4e2cc
    // 更改中,思源改为使用keyCode判断快捷键按下事件,这里进行了对应的转换
    // 另请参考该提交中涉及的文件
    result.keyCode = keyCodeList[result.key];
    console.assert(result.keyCode != undefined, `keyCode转换错误,key为${result.key}`);
    switch (result.key) {
      case "→": {
        result.key = "ArrowRight";
      case "←": {
        result.key = "ArrowLeft";
      case "↑": {
        result.key = "ArrowUp";
      case "↓": {
        result.key = "ArrowDown";
      case "⌦": {
        result.key = "Delete";
      case "⌫": {
        result.key = "Backspace";
      case "↩": {
        result.key = "Enter";
    return result;

  const keyCodeList = {
    "⌫": 8,
    "⇥": 9,
    "↩": 13,
    "⇧": 16,
    "⌘": 91,
    "⌥": 18,
    "Pause": 19,
    "CapsLock": 20,
    "Escape": 27,
    " ": 32,
    "PageUp": 33,
    "PageDown": 34,
    "End": 35,
    "Home": 36,
    "←": 37,
    "↑": 38,
    "→": 39,
    "↓": 40,
    "PrintScreen": 44,
    "Insert": 45,
    "⌦": 46,
    "0": 48,
    "1": 49,
    "2": 50,
    "3": 51,
    "4": 52,
    "5": 53,
    "6": 54,
    "7": 55,
    "8": 56,
    "9": 57,
    "A": 65,
    "B": 66,
    "C": 67,
    "D": 68,
    "E": 69,
    "F": 70,
    "G": 71,
    "H": 72,
    "I": 73,
    "J": 74,
    "K": 75,
    "L": 76,
    "M": 77,
    "N": 78,
    "O": 79,
    "P": 80,
    "Q": 81,
    "R": 82,
    "S": 83,
    "T": 84,
    "U": 85,
    "V": 86,
    "W": 87,
    "X": 88,
    "Y": 89,
    "Z": 90,
    "ContextMenu": 93,
    "MyComputer": 182,
    "MyCalculator": 183,
    ";": 186,
    "=": 187,
    ",": 188,
    "-": 189,
    ".": 190,
    "/": 191,
    "`": 192,
    "[": 219,
    "\\": 220,
    "]": 221,
    "'": 222,
    "*": 106,
    "+": 107,
    "-": 109,
    ".": 110,
    "/": 111,
    "F1": 112,
    "F2": 113,
    "F3": 114,
    "F4": 115,
    "F5": 116,
    "F6": 117,
    "F7": 118,
    "F8": 119,
    "F9": 120,
    "F10": 121,
    "F11": 122,
    "F12": 123,
    "NumLock": 144,
    "ScrollLock": 145

  // 定期检查 .layout__center 是否存在于 DOM 中
  function checkForLayoutCenter() {
    const targetNode = document.querySelector('.layout__center');
    if (targetNode) {
      // 立即检查一次 protyle-breadcrumb
    } else {
      setTimeout(checkForLayoutCenter, 200);

  function checkProtyleElements(targetNode) {
    const protyles = targetNode.querySelectorAll('.layout-tab-container > .protyle');
    protyles.forEach(protyle => {

  function startObserving(targetNode) {
    const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
      mutations.forEach(mutation => {
        if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
          mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
            // 检查添加的节点是否是 .protyle 元素
            if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.matches('.layout-tab-container > .protyle')) {
        } else if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.target.matches('.layout-tab-container > .protyle')) {
          // 如果已有的 protyle 的类名发生变化,尝试添加全屏按钮

    // 配置并开始观察
    const config = { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true };
    observer.observe(targetNode, config);

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50 积分 • 6 打赏
  • 思源笔记



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  • 代码片段

    代码片段分为 CSS 与 JS 两种代码,添加在 [设置 - 外观 - 代码片段] 中,这些代码会在思源笔记加载时自动执行,用于改善笔记的样式或功能。

    用户在该标签下分享代码片段时需在帖子标题前添加 [css] [js] 用于区分代码片段类型。

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JeffreyChen 在 2024-11-16 03:51:10 更新了该帖
JeffreyChen 在 2024-11-16 03:49:59 更新了该帖



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  • wilsons 3


    // 监听其他元素全屏事件
            observeClassAddition(protyle, 'fullscreen', (eventType) => {
                if(eventType === 'fullscreen'){
                    fullScreenBtn.innerHTML = exitFullscreenSvg;
                    fullScreenBtn.setAttribute('aria-label', '退出全屏');
                } else {
                    fullScreenBtn.innerHTML = fullscreenSvg;
                    fullScreenBtn.setAttribute('aria-label', '全屏');
  • wilsons 2

    刚才试了下,通过监听 window.siyuan.editorIsFullscreen 对象的变化也可以判断是否全屏了,这样就不需要监听 protyle 样式的变化了

    // 定义一个可观察的属性
        window.siyuan._editorIsFullscreen = window.siyuan.editorIsFullscreen || false;
        Object.defineProperty(window.siyuan, 'editorIsFullscreen', {
            get: function() {
                return this._editorIsFullscreen;
            set: function(value) {
                const oldValue = this._editorIsFullscreen;
                this._editorIsFullscreen = value;
                // value true是全屏,false是退出全屏
                console.log(`editorIsFullscreen changed from ${oldValue} to ${value}`);
            configurable: true,
            enumerable: true
思源是支持 Markdown 语法输入的块编辑器,不是 Markdown 文件编辑器; 思源笔记同步教程:ld246.com/article/1692089679062

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