- 镜像代理
echo 'export PUB_HOSTED_URL=https://pub.flutter-io.cn' >> ~/.bash_profile echo 'export FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/flutter"' >> ~/.bash_profile
- 下载 flutter sdk
cd ~/app wget https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra/releases/stable/macos/flutter_macos_v1.12.13+hotfix.8-stable.zip unzip flutter_macos_v1.12.13+hotfix.8-stable.zip echo 'export PATH=/Users/zorke/app/flutter/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile
- 检查是否需要安装其它依赖项来完成安装
flutter doctor
- 配置 Dart 和 Flutter 插件到我们的 idea 中
- IDEA 配置 Xcode 模拟器无法连接 iOS 设备问题
运行 flutter doctor,各项都安装完毕,打开 intellij idea,可以显示 open iOS Simulator 打开设置,但是却无法连接
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
- 错误解决
- flutter doctor 出现如下错误,,
=》则先删除 rm -rf app/flutter/.pub-cache/
之后再重新执行 flutter doctor
sudo gem install cocoapods
IDEA 或 AndroidStudio 的时候顶部的模拟器一直是 loading 状态,控制台提示“Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock” =》解决办法: 打开 flutter 的安装目录/bin/cache/ =》删除 lockfile 文件 =》重启 AndroidStudio
如遇到无法加载库文件如 Dio 时,则依然选择删除 bin/cache/lockfile 文件并重启 IDEA 或 AndroidStudio
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