【杭州】【内推】投资比特币出名的外企 招聘 UX Designer

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【杭州】【内推】投资比特币出名的外企 招聘 UX Designer

本人就职于 MicroStrategy 多年,是资深技术人员(职场老鸟)。欢迎大家找我内推:

内推是最有效、直接、快速的求职方式,HR 会优先筛选内推简历; 如果技术及工作经验极度匹配的话,会直达技术负责人过目。

内推之后,1-2 天收到在线笔试测评邀请。


整个内推流程 免费,免费,免费。(如果内推成功即录用,我也会收到一笔可观的内推金。)

想了解更多 MicroStrategy,比如我们公司是做什么的,做的怎么样,可以看这个公众号文章:

UX Designer 2021/3/19 新出职位,要求简明如下:

1 年以上设计经验


熟练掌握 Adobe, Sketch, Figma, Principle 等工具


美资外企, 福利优渥,上班不打卡,弹性工作制。周一在家工作 。10 天带薪年假,10 天带薪病假。


Work life balance, 工作氛围好,环境佳,每天研磨咖啡,新鲜水果,免费健身房和每个季度健身奖励。



杭州黄龙万科中心 A 座








微策略 MicroStrategy 是全球最大企业级商务智能及分析平台供应商 (NASDAQ : MSTR)。自 1989 年创建之日起,微策略一直是全球商务智能软件的领导者。公司的软件产品广泛应用于海量数据的分析与处理,成为客户商业活动、经营运作、计划决策中不可缺少的一部分,客户遍及财富 500 强以及许多政府部门和教育机构。微策略总部位于美国首都华盛顿毗邻的 Tysons Corner VA。目前拥有超过 2000 名员工,分布在全球 20 多个不同的国家和地区。

微策略中国研发中心 MicroStrategy China Technology Center(简称 CTC)是微策略全球最大的海外研发中心和技术支持中心,创建于 2007 年,目前拥有 300 多名员工。CTC 坐落在美丽的杭州西子湖畔,办公环境优雅舒适。90% 以上的技术工程师拥有海内外知名大学的硕士或博士背景。作为全球最大的海外研发中心,CTC 的工程师全程参与到核心产品的设计、开发与测试,是微策略全球技术团队中最重要的力量。


UX Designer

UX Designer Company Description: MicroStrategy transforms organizations into intelligent enterprises through data-driven innovation. We match smart people to dynamic projects and technologies that truly challenge their talents. Curious and creative in outlook, our success is built on the talent and energy of smart and driven people. MicroStrategy (Nasdaq: MSTR) is a worldwide leader in enterprise analytics and mobility software. A pioneer in the BI and analytics space, MicroStrategy delivers innovative software that empowers people to make better decisions and transform the way they do business. We provide our enterprise customers with world-class software and expert services so they can deploy unique intelligence applications. Job Description: The Role:In MicroStrategy User Experience team, we create one of the best Business Intelligence platform with world class user experience to help millions of our customers get valuable insights from the data and make better business decisions. If you are curious about business intelligence industry, if you are passionate on data visualization, if you wish to shape the user experience of the next generation data analysis platform, join us now.* Design both desktop, web and mobile applications that deliver engaging and delightful user experiences. * Generate workflow, wireframe and interactive prototypes to demonstrate your design and present them to the stakeholders. * Understand target user, evaluate current products from UX perspective and come up with solutions with high quality. * Closely work with the scrum teams to make sure your design is implemented at pixel perfect level. * Help exploring the concept of the next generation products. * Effectively communicate with the product managers, and scrum teams with the qualified design from concept to specifications. * Work with Visual Designers to create a product style guideline to ensure the visual consistency. Qualifications: * Must have experience in creating information architecture diagrams, UX workflows, wireframes. * Must have experience in delivering design specifications and interactive prototypes. * Must be able to learn new technologies and the domain knowledge. * Must have strong communication skills. Keep well communication with the stakeholders from requirements clarification till design implementation. Be able to present the design to multi stakeholders. * Must be passionate on innovation and be able to initiate discussions regarding new ideas. * English as working language. * Ability to work in a fast-paced iterative design environment. * Excellent knowledge of tools such as Adobe, Sketch, Figma, Principle etc. * Good understanding of the user centered design principles. * Experience in working in an Agile environment is a plus. * Experience in visual design for software or apps is a plus. * Master or advanced degree in Design, HCI or related fields. MicroStrategy - smrtr.io

In MicroStrategy User Experience team, we create one of the best Business
Intelligence platform with world class user experience to help millions of our
customers get valuable insights from the data and make better business
decisions. If you are curious about business intelligence industry, if you are
passionate on data visualization, if you wish to shape the user experience of
the next generation data analysis
platform, join us now.

  • Design
    both desktop, web and mobile applications that deliver engaging and
    delightful user experiences.
  • Generate
    workflow, wireframe and interactive prototypes to demonstrate your design
    and present them to the stakeholders.
  • Understand
    target user, evaluate current products from UX perspective and come up
    with solutions with high quality.
  • Closely
    work with the scrum teams to make sure your design is implemented at pixel
    perfect level.
  • Help
    exploring the concept of the next generation products.
  • Effectively
    communicate with the product managers, and scrum teams with the qualified design
    from concept to specifications.
  • Work
    with Visual Designers to create a product style guideline to ensure the
    visual consistency.


  • Must
    have experience in creating information architecture diagrams, UX
    workflows, wireframes.
  • Must
    have experience in delivering design specifications and interactive
  • Must
    be able to learn new technologies and the domain knowledge.
  • Must
    have strong communication skills. Keep well communication with the
    stakeholders from requirements clarification till design implementation.
    Be able to present the design to multi stakeholders.
  • Must
    be passionate on innovation and be able to initiate discussions regarding
    new ideas.
  • English
    as working language.
  • Ability
    to work in a fast-paced iterative design environment.
  • Excellent
    knowledge of tools such as Adobe, Sketch, Figma, Principle etc.
  • Good
    understanding of the user centered design principles.
  • Experience
    in working in an Agile environment is a plus.
  • Experience
    in visual design for software or apps is a plus.
  • Master
    or advanced degree in Design, HCI or related fields.
  • 招聘


    189 引用 • 1056 回帖 • 3 关注



我们正在构建一个小众社区,大家在这里相互信任,以平等 • 自由 • 奔放的价值观进行分享交流。最终,希望大家能够找到与自己志同道合的伙伴,共同成长。

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