67657 号成员,2021-06-03 19:03:40 加入
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  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha3 特定输入时内容出错

    2021-07-25 12:06

    哦 好像这个反斜杠造成的问题之前提过了 一下没想起来 抱歉.......

  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha3 特定输入时内容出错

    2021-07-25 12:00


  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha3 特定输入时内容出错

    2021-07-25 11:58

    补充:行首链接前输入反斜杠会造成链接 markdown 内容暴露,然后这一段暴露出来的文字似乎无法复制黏贴


  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha2 引述块内的嵌入块块标出错

    2021-07-25 11:11

    好的好的 抱歉 之前没有看到新版已经发布了

  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha2 引述块内的嵌入块块标出错

    2021-07-25 10:55

    抱歉 可能搞错了,这应该是新版的特性,通过右键菜单在引述块中添加其他内容后正常

  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha2 引述块内的嵌入块块标出错

    2021-07-25 10:52

    补充:引述块中的 iframe 块、数学公式块、脑图块等等也会出现这个问题

  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha1 使用 Web Clipper Beta 剪藏可能造成思源软件界面卡死

    2021-07-23 11:49


  • 思源笔记 1.2.2 alpha1 使用 Web Clipper Beta 剪藏可能造成思源软件界面卡死

    2021-07-23 11:44
    / ___|  (_) \ \ / /  _   _    __ _   _ __
    \___ \  | |  \ V /  | | | |  / _` | | '_
    ___) | | |   | |   | |_| | | (_| | | | | |
    |____/  |_|   |_|    \__,_|  \__,_| |_| |_|
    I 2021/07/23 11:35:07 working.go:94: kernel is booting:
    * ver [1.2.2-alpha1]
    * runtime mode [prod]
    * workspace directory [E:\思源笔记]
    * working directory [C:\Program Files\SiYuan\resources]
    * temp directory [C:\Users\DONGDO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan]
    * system temp directory [C:\WINDOWS\Temp\siyuan]
    * rsync directory [C:\WINDOWS\Temp\siyuan\rsync]
    * read only [false]
    * container [std]
    * resident [true]
    * arch [amd64]
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:07 conf.go:223: local serve path []
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:08 database.go:98: reinitialized database [C:\Users\DONGDO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan\siyuan.db]
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:08 serve.go:51: kernel HTTP server is booting []
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:12 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [主笔记本]
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:44 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [主笔记本]
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:44 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:44 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
      I 2021/07/23 11:35:45 working.go:119: kernel booted
      E 2021/07/23 11:37:14 file.go:1256: create file node [./] failed
      I 2021/07/23 11:37:17 sync.go:79: sync uploading...
      I 2021/07/23 11:37:21 sync.go:98: sync uploaded
      I 2021/07/23 11:37:37 working.go:310: port [6806] is opened, try to check version of running kernel
      I 2021/07/23 11:37:37 working.go:320: version of the running kernel is the same as this boot [1.2.2-alpha1], exit this boot
      I 2021/07/23 11:37:52 working.go:310: port [6806] is opened, try to check version of running kernel
      I 2021/07/23 11:37:52 working.go:320: version of the running kernel is the same as this boot [1.2.2-alpha1], exit this boot
      I 2021/07/23 11:38:01 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [主笔记本]
      I 2021/07/23 11:38:34 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [主笔记本]
      I 2021/07/23 11:38:34 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
      I 2021/07/23 11:38:35 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
      I 2021/07/23 11:40:15 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [主笔记本]
      I 2021/07/23 11:40:48 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [主笔记本]
      I 2021/07/23 11:40:48 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
      I 2021/07/23 11:40:48 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
  • 思源 CSS 主题修改常见问题与教程

    2021-06-21 18:51

    赞 奇怪的时髦值又增加了 ❤️ 👍

  • 思源支持外链的提议

    2021-06-13 00:48

    思源笔记支持 file 协议,例如本地文件路径是 C:\Users\****\Documents\202106 的话,使用 file://C:/users/****/Documents/202106 的链接格式就能够外链了.

  • 思源笔记 1.2 beta 4.0 导出引用的标题块时,会同时导出标题块下的内容

    2021-06-10 16:36


  • 思源笔记 1.2 beta 4.0 导出引用的标题块时,会同时导出标题块下的内容

    2021-06-10 16:19

    不太清楚这是本来就是这么设计的还是 bug.....