What would you advise your(hypothetical) 22-year-old college graduate to do with their life?

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Couple days ago, I read a bunch of fantastic answers in Quora to this question. I would like to extract some in my blog. Before getting started, I need to stress that all of those answers are not only suitable for college graduates, they are of tremendous value for all of us. Nevertheless, it is up to you to sort out.

1. There's no global standard that determines what people deserve. Don't worry about what you have and think other people should or shouldn't have. The world isn't fair and people you don't like or you think aren't talented will be successful whether you like it or not. You can only control what you want and how you feel about what you have. Any thought you waste worrying about others is one you aren't spending learning or doing something new.

2. Consider time your most precious resource. When you're young, you probably have a lot of time(and probably not as much money). Nevertheless, time remains your most precious resource, and not(say) money or other physical things. This is difficult to believe when you're younger, but money is easy to obtain. Money can be borrowed, given, and stored. None of these things can be done with time. Time is expended at the same rate constantly for everyone; its rate of expenditure cannot be slowed or stopped and perhaps more importantly, it cannot be "banked" - i.e. stored for usage later. This means that you should always be trying to make good use of your time, and when you have an excess of another resource(e.g. money), you should seek to trade it for time. Additionally, the next fifteen years or so are uniquely productive years in your life - you will be at an age where you have achieved legal adulthood and a critical mass of education, while still remaining relatively high levels of energy and physical health, and likely few commitments. This makes the time doubly important, and it is draining away constantly whether or not you are making good use of it, so be sure to do so!

3. Relationships with quality people are one of the most important things in life, but their value only becomess apparent over the long term. This means you should begin building them now. This doesn't mean to go and schmooze, but rather you should try to refine your own people skills and quality of character so that when you meet high-quality people(come up with your own personal definition of this, and don't be too narrow about it), you can seek to be a good person to them, and allow a high-quality mutual relationship to form. This relationship will be different depending on who the person is, but the key idea is to make yourself someone that others will want a true and good human bond with; these enduring relationship will be the source of great wealth(literal and metaphorical) for the rest of your lives.

4. Do what it takes to expand your imagination of what's possible. This is the best prevention against both depression and getting into extremely time-costly dead ends. 

5. Accept the fact that you don't have all the answers and use it as reason to consciously and consistently operate from a learning perspective.

6. Don't take things so seriously. Talented young people are often quite stupid in this way. Whatever dumb thing you are worried about, it is probably not that important. Ask yourself if you will really care about it in ten years' time, and focus your attention on the small number of things where the answer is truly yes.

7. You will rarely regret having done something. You will usually only regret having *not* done something, and if you try something, and don't like it, you can usually *stop* doing it and do something else: so do what interests you, without too much regard for "where it will take you".

8. Not to worry about planning so much, and to be open to serendipity.

9. Live in cities that you like. Work hard at making this happen; try not to compromise.

10.Resist the temptation to base your identity on any one thing - whether that be your educational background, your intelligence, your occupation/company, or your reputation among your peers.

11. Learn to hate the right things well Hate, if used properly, can be very powerful. Learn what you should hate based on your view of the world.

12. Life if about accumulating knowledge. The more you know, the more "successful" you are.

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